Cook, kitchen, process, table and you
Chef's Table DOLCE VITA
A unique concept of an interactive restaurant in Kaliningrad.
Ужин на 8 человек на открытой кухне с шеф поваром, командой ресторана и дегустационным меню с авторскими блюдами на глазах у гостей, в сопровождении гастрономических историй.
Our chef, together with the founder of the restaurant Ageeva Marina, develop a special tasting set of the menu and personally serve dishes, telling about the methods of preparation, technologies, combinations and other interesting facts about food. And for you it will be a real gastronomic adventure. You will see the heart of the restaurant - the cuisine, and even take part in the cooking process yourself.
This is a great occasion for the chef to tell his gastronomic story, and a great opportunity for guests to see what is hidden behind the prepared dish. The menu for the Chef Table is constantly changing, our chef experiments with ingredients, uses complex cooking techniques and implements his most gastronomic ideas in order to present you with a new experience.

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